Our Services

Consumer Recruiting:

Cooper Symons & Associates can recruit GENERAL PUBLIC participants to your INPERSON or ONLINE focus group discussions and one on one interviews.  We can also recruit participants for online communities/boards, and inperson clinics, adlabs, shadow/accompanied shops, ethnographic interviews and affinity groups.

Based in Melbourne, we have been providing recruitment services for more than 33 years in Victoria, Sydney/NSW and Brisbane.   To streamline and manage your recruiting projects, we will liaise with any other interstate agencies.

Venues can be arranged whether formal rooms, home venues or alternative venues such as hotels, conference centres etc depending on client requirements.

Business to Business:

Cooper Symons & Associates are experienced SMALL BUSINESS recruiters, recruiting a full range of SME’s from sole traders, to businesses under 100 employees.

We have extensive experience recruiting personnel recruiting all levels of interviews from extremely senior personnel to the person who delivers the mail.

We also organize business focus group discussions and one on one interviews across all industries including retail, professional and business services, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, government and hospitality. Participants either cold called, contacted from client lists or our own business panel.

Business recruiting can be conducted in both Metropolitan and regional Australia.

Client Lists (customers/members):

Cooper Symons & Associates will treat your clients customers/members with respect and professionalism.

We can undertake list recruiting, under supervision, from our offices and can recruit anywhere in Australia, for both focus group discussions and one on one interviews.

Our ‘list’ recruiters are well trained, experienced and will handle client contacts with professionalism and sensitivity.   We are very experienced recruiting  Superannuation Members, Telecommunication Customers, Car Owners, Event Attendees, LGA residents and projects for Federal and State Government departments including Social Security and Health.